1230th article   1230期双语推文

The "Gao Zhi: Five Sacred Mountains Art Exhibition" and the "New Interpretations of the Ancient" sculpture exhibition grandly opened at the Yungang Museum in Datong, Shanxi. Rubbings of stone inscriptions and ink paintings from Songshan Mountain in Dengfeng, Zhengzhou have completed their journey northward to be officially showcased to the public in Datong.


The "Gao Zhi: Five Sacred Mountains Art Exhibition" was guided by the Publicity Department of the CPC Zhengzhou Municipal Committee and the Publicity Department of the CPC Datong Municipal Committee. It was hosted by the Yungang Research Institute, the Cultural Relics Bureau of Zhengzhou City and the Cultural Relics Bureau of Datong City. The exhibition, organized by the Cultural Heritage and Art Research Center of the Yungang Research Institute, Zhengzhou Museum, and Yungang Grottoes Museum, is part of the "Two Cities Exhibition" activities between Zhengzhou and Datong. The opening of the exhibition marks the completion of this "Covenant of Two Cities" between Zhengzhou and Datong, elevating cultural exchange and mutual learning of civilizations between the two cities to a new level.


In early August, the "Silk Road·Yellow River: The Spirit of the Long River's Rocks" themed exhibition opened at the Zhengzhou Museum. Fifty-five sets of exhibits from Yungang Grottoes in Datong, Shanxi, including representative cultural relics from the grottoes, 3D printed exhibits, and related historical archives, arrived in Zhengzhou. As part of the 2024 China (Zhengzhou) Yellow River Culture Month theme activities, it made a splendid appearance and received a warm welcome from the citizens of Zhengzhou.


This "Gao Zhi: Five Sacred Mountains Art Exhibition" will feature 11 sets of original rubbing works from Songshan Mountain, including those from Qimu Que Gates, Taishi Que Gates, Shaoshi Que Gates, Zhongyue Temple, Shaolin Temple and Songyang Academy, as well as 33 contemporary creations by Mr. Feng Shuguang, Vice Chairman of Henan Artists Association and renowned painter. These works not only reproduce the historic sites and stone carvings of Songshan Mountain` but also capture its natural landscapes and cultural splendor in ink and brush, showcasing the profound history and unique charm of Songshan Mountain's ink art.


Moreover, the "New Interpretations of the Ancient" Sculpture Exhibition also commenced at the opening ceremony, displaying 38 sculptures from Qingzhou sculptures, Nannie water stone carvings, and some statues held by Yungang Grottoes. At the opening ceremony, Mr. Feng Shuguang also donated his painting A Millennium in an Instant to the Yungang Research Institute.





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