【双语】Zhengzhou Selected as Global Postal Hub 郑州入选全球性国际邮政枢纽
Recently, Zhengzhou was selected as a global international postal express hub.近日,郑州成功入选全球性国际邮政快递枢纽承载城市。
Located in the heartland of Central Plains, Zhengzhou boasts a geographical advantage in how its transit corridors connect the east with the west and the south with the north. It is a nationally designated dual-hub city with both air and land ports and stands as one of the twelve highest-level international comprehensive transportation hubs in the country. Following Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, it has been recognized as the fourth major national international mail hub. The operations of the China (Zhengzhou) international mail hub have been underway for over two years, handling 8.48 million express items in 2023, ranking second nationwide in terms of international mail delivery efficiency.地处中原腹地,郑州具有承东启西、连南贯北的交通区位优势,是国家确定的空港型、陆港型双枢纽城市,全国12个最高等级国际性综合交通枢纽之一,也是继北京、上海、广州之后的第四个全国重要国际邮件枢纽口岸,中国(郑州)重要国际邮件枢纽口岸业务已开通运营两年多时间,2023年处理快件量848万件、疏运国际邮件时效居全国第2位。
In recent years, Zhengzhou has seized the strategic opportunities of the nation's new development paradigm, actively integrating into the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" initiative. It has promoted the coordinated development of the four Silk Roads (aviation, land, internet and maritime), thereby consolidating its transportation advantages and laying a solid foundation for becoming a global international postal express hub. The "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for Modern Circulation System Development in Zhengzhou" sets a business volume target of 2 billion express deliveries by 2025 with a maximum express processing capacity target of 30 million items per day.近年来,郑州抢抓国家构建新发展格局的战略机遇,积极融入共建“一带一路”,推动“空、陆、网、海”四条丝绸之路协同发展,厚植枢纽优势,为建设全球性国际邮政快递枢纽奠定坚实基础。在《郑州市“十四五”现代流通体系发展规划》中,也列有明确的目标任务:到2025年,现代流通规模方面快递业务量目标值达20亿件,流通效率方面全市日处理快件量最大能力3000万件。
Currently, Zhengzhou is actively advancing projects such as the second phase of the ZTO Express International Business Headquarters, the J&T Express Zhengzhou Jigang Smart Logistics Park, and the Yunda Henan Express E-commerce Headquarters Base. Zhengzhou is promoting postal aviation hub projects in order to develop Zhengzhou into a global international postal express hub that provides direct access to the world, delivers across the nation and drives development in the Central Plains.目前,郑州市正积极推进中通快递国际业务总部二期和极兔郑州极港智慧物流园、韵达河南快递电商总部基地等项目建设,力推邮航枢纽项目落地,努力把郑州建设成为“直通全球、辐射全国、带动中原”的全球性国际邮政快递枢纽城市。