1141st  article   1141期双语推文

A few days ago, the CRIntermodal Zhengzhou Terminal in the Zhengzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone successfully inaugurated the first-ever international road-rail intermodal freight train route connecting Phnom Penh, Cambodia, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, and Zhengzhou, China. This significant achievement marks the establishment of a new green, safe, economical, and efficient freight channel from China Railway Express Zhengzhou Hub and also signifies China's initiative in promoting shared RCEP policy benefits.


Photo: Xu Zongfu

Operated by Ouyuetong Multimodal Transport (Henan) Co., Ltd. under an integrated model of transportation and trade, the train line is buoyed by market demand in Henan and its neighboring provinces. Nearly 1,000 tons of high-quality cassava starch worth about 4 million yuan sourced from Cambodia was transported by road to Moc Bai Port in Vietnam and then to Zhengzhou by Vietnam Railway via Pingxiang Port in South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Cambodia, a key country along the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, has been proactive in responding to and implementing the Belt and Road Initiative. The introduction of this new train route will enhance cooperation between China and Cambodia, promoting the sharing of RCEP policy benefits and the establishment of the China-Cambodia Fish and Rice Corridor. It will also facilitate trade in agricultural products and strengthen ties between Zhengzhou and Southeast Asian nations.


Photo: Xu Zongfu

In November 2023, the Zhengzhou-Cambodia-ASEAN New Air Silk Road Development Forum saw the signing of a cooperation agreement aimed at advancing the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative. As part of the city's commitment to the agreement, Zhengzhou launched the China-Vietnam-Cambodia International Road-rail Intermodal Freight Train. This new international logistics channel will not only boost economic growth but also enhance the efficiency of Zhengzhou's opening up, unlocking the new potential of the overland Silk Road.

2023年11月,“郑州—柬埔寨—东盟”新空中丝绸之路发展论坛在郑州成功举行,并签署合作协议,共同推进共建“一带一路”高质量发展走深走实。开行中越柬公铁联运国际班列,是郑州市落实这次论坛有关协议的具体举措。新国际物流通道的打通,将进一步拓展经济发展新空间,对于释放陆上丝绸之路物流通道新潜能、提升郑州内陆开放高地建设水平具有重要意义。Joint efforts have paved the way for the opening of this major freight channel. Zhengzhou Customs has strengthened the link between the Zhengzhou Railway Port and coastal and border ports, establishing an international route featuring China Railway Express and road-rail intermodal transport. Through proactive assessments of enterprises' international multimodal transport declaration needs, Zhengzhou Customs provides them with one-to-one professional guidance and customized customs clearance supervision plans. These efforts have facilitated the launch of the inaugural China-Vietnam-Cambodia International Road-rail Intermodal Freight Train in Henan.


Photo: Xu Zongfu

The increase in international rail freight demonstrates the development of Henan's global trade. Since launch on July 18, 2013, over 10,000 China Railway Express trains have made journeys to and from Zhengzhou, creating a vital logistics link between Henan and RCEP member countries. This connection spans more than 140 cities in 40 countries across Asia and Europe, facilitating the transportation of over 10,000 goods. The service has emerged as a standout player in the Belt and Road Initiative, establishing seamless trade routes to bolster both domestic and international economic cycles. It has also provided robust support for stabilizing foreign trade and ensuring the smooth operation of the global supply chain and industrial chain.


