1138th article   第1138期双语推文


Wonderful celebrations were prepared for the Spring Festival. During the Spring Festival holiday, Zhengzhou held a series of culture-focused tourist activities, achieving a good start for its tourism in the Year of the Loong as the city received a total of 13.887 million tourists, among whom 7.721 million were from other cities, bringing in tourism revenue of 9.48 billion yuan. It was selected as one of the top 10 most popular consumer cities and the top 10 most popular destinations in China.


Zhengzhou worked hard to make the holiday festive from multiple dimensions and promote its city brands of "Center of Heaven and Earth, Source of Chinese Civilization, and City of Kungfu." During the Spring Festival holiday, Zhengzhou launched 555 cultural and tourism activities grouped in nine series, all sharing the motto "Celebrating the New Year in Zhengzhou" to enrich the supply of cultural and tourism products. Programs like lantern shows, Chinese-style performances, themed exhibitions, immersive performances, New Year markets, folk custom demonstrations, temple fairs, and Henan Opera performances were offered in many parts of Zhengzhou, such as Zhongyuan District, Guancheng Hui District, Zhengdong New District, Erqi District, Zhongmu County, and Xinmi. These innovative culture and tourism programs served up a feast of traditional and trendy culture for the Chinese New Year that was enjoyed by people at every level.

多维度营造浓厚假日氛围,全面叫响“天地之中、华夏之源、功夫郑州”城市品牌。龙年新春,郑州市以“老家河南 郑州过年”为主题,策划推出九大系列555项文旅活动,丰富假日文旅产品供给。中原区、管城区、郑东新区、二七区、中牟县、新密市等地热闹举行新春灯会、古风演出、主题展览、沉浸式表演、年货市集、民俗庙会、戏曲演出等多种形式,以创新融合的文旅表达,打造出一台台雅俗共赏、新旧交融的新春文旅盛宴。

During the holiday, all 51 A-level tourist attractions in Zhengzhou were open to the public. Major supermarkets and neighborhoods launched activities for citizens and tourists to gather and relax. Statistics show that Zhengzhou has been selected as one of the top 10 popular consumer cities in China, with per capita purchases by tourists increasing by 5.23% compared with 2023. The daily purchases of food, drink, entertainment, and service increased by 153% year-on-year on average.


Data shows that Spring Festival travel bookings in Zhengzhou increased by 55% year-on-year. Zhengzhou ranked 1st in Henan in the number of visitors during the Spring Festival and 13th in China. The 20 scenic spots under key monitoring by Zhengzhou served a total of 4.27297 million tourists, a year-on-year increase of 175.34%, realizing a ticket revenue of 261 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of 87.16%.


To celebrate the New Year, Zhengzhou held a total of 1,856 online and offline cultural activities and 30 commercial performances. Its public cultural venues received a total of 316,395 visitors, with cultural heritage sites in particular seeing a total of 73,700 visitors. Drawn by New Year-themed cultural activities, citizens and tourists travelled enthusiastically, creating a booming cultural tourism market in Zhengzhou. The art museums, along with cultural centers, libraries, and museums in Zhengzhou, offered wonderful activities featuring profound Chinese culture, such as New Year concerts, sending blessings to communities, and folk art performances, a combination of fashionable, innovative and traditional celebrations. Zhengzhou enriched the spiritual and cultural life of the city through practical actions integrating Chinese culture into novel festive activities, allowing citizens and tourists to feel the spirit of the Spring Festival in "saying farewell to the old and welcoming the new" and the culture behind it.

假日期间,郑州市共推出线上线下文化活动1856场,营业性演出30 场。全市公共文化场馆共接待31.6395万人次,非遗场馆共接待7.37万人次。在一系列新春主题文化活动带动下,市民游客出游热情不减、络绎不绝,全市假日文旅市场持续呈现繁荣火爆景象。郑州美术馆、文化馆、图书馆、博物馆精心打造底蕴深厚的“文化盛宴”,组织开展新春音乐会、走基层送祝福、民间文艺项目展演等活动,为传统节日注入更多时代气息、文化元素,让古老节日焕发全新魅力。以实际行动丰富群众的精神文化生活,在精彩新颖的年俗活动中传承中华文化的魅力,让市民游客感受辞旧迎新、厚重沧桑的文化韵味。

The New Year starts with new business formats and new scenes. Exploring and integrating high-quality cultural tourism resources, Zhengzhou has created a cultural tourism experience full of regional characteristics which has attracted a great number of tourists, achieving a good start in the Spring Festival of the Year of the Loong. 


