When a child graduated from high school, his father arranged a coming-of-age ceremony for him, and his father’s friends came to offer blessings. The father was just a man who made a living with his craft, not wealthy or noble, but served the community with his skill and became friends with many customers. When the child expressed his gratitude, he said to his father, “Dad, when I grow up, I want to be someone like you.” Everyone present was moved, saying that this was the best compliment the father could have received.有子高中毕业,父为之设成年礼,父之友皆来致祝。其父仅为凭技艺谋生之人,无大富大贵,凭一技之长服务邻里,与众多顾主为友。及子答谢,谓其父曰:“父也,儿异日长成,亦欲为如父之人。”在场者感动,言此乃人父所得最佳之誉也。到中医那里看病,到了饭点留我吃饭。我以为是对我特殊,看一个小女孩送他的画,写着“做饭好吃、治病厉害”,明白他对所有的病人都如此。突然想起来我看过的中医多有这样的规矩,给病人留饭,跟他们一起吃饭的情景历历在目,饭菜的香味也还记得,简单、可口,这次喝到的白菜汤同样是至味。吃大夫的饭似乎有信念、感恩,让我们对自身也有庄重感。
I went to see a traditional Chinese medicine doctor. When it was time for a meal, he invited me to have dinner with him. At first, I thought he was treating me specially. Then I saw a painting given to him by a little girl, on which it was written, "Good at cooking and excellent at treating illnesses." I realized that he treated all his patients in this way. Suddenly, I remembered that many of the traditional Chinese medicine doctors I had visited before had such a rule of inviting patients to have a meal. The scenes of having meals with them are still vivid in my mind, and I can still remember the fragrance of the food. The food was simple but delicious. The cabbage soup I had this time was also extremely tasty. Eating the doctor's meal seems to carry a sense of faith and gratitude, which makes us feel a sense of solemnity towards ourselves.诣中医问诊,至食时留余同饭,余自谓特遇,及见一小女所赠画作,上书“烹饪善,医病工”,乃悟其待诸患者皆然。忽忆往昔所访中医,多有此习,留患共食,彼时同餐之景犹在目前,饭食之香亦犹记,简而味佳。今所饮之白菜汤,亦为至味。食医者之饭,似含信念感恩,使吾人自重。有读者留言:在漫长的人生当中,最幸运的是那些从事着自己真正热爱的工作的人。热衷于写代码清bug的程序员,觉得什么也没有比发paper更有乐趣的教授研究员,喜欢炒菜的厨子和喜欢育人的教师,他们中有些会出类拔萃,成为社会真正的栋梁,另一些即使平凡普通,也能常感快乐。快乐最重要,有让自己快乐的能力是真正的能力!
A reader commented: In the long journey of life, the most fortunate are those who engage in work they truly love. Programmers who enjoy writing code and debugging, professors and researchers who find nothing more enjoyable than publishing papers, chefs who love cooking, and teachers who love educating others; among them, some will stand out as the pillars of society, while others, even if ordinary, can often find joy. Happiness is most important, and the ability to make oneself happy is true ability!有读者留言曰:“于漫漫人生之中,最幸者,乃从其所嗜之业者。有好编程,除虫之程序员,有发篇什胜于诸趣之学人,有喜烹饪之庖厨,有好育人之教师。其中或有出类拔萃者,成社会之栋梁;其他纵平凡庸常,亦能恒自怡悦。悦乐最要,能自悦其心者,真才也!据说孩子升学是家庭破裂的高峰期。一位先生在两个孩子上大学后想跟妻子离婚,因为妻子只会辱骂他,嘲笑他,她自己好逸恶劳,一事无成,结婚多年早已同床异梦,她的体重140斤,不忍直视。他挣钱养家,为了孩子忍辱负重多年。听说我有名言,妻子的肉就是家里的福,前来问我:他的福在哪里?他想离开那个140斤,寻找自己的幸福,有错吗?
English translation: It is said that a child’s transition to higher education is a peak time for family breakdowns. A gentleman, after his two children went to college, wanted to divorce his wife because she would only curse and mock him, preferring idleness to work and achieving nothing. After years of marriage, they had grown apart, and her weight of 140 pounds was unbearable to look at. He worked hard to support the family, enduring humiliation for the sake of the children. Upon hearing that I have a saying, “A wife’s flesh is the family’s fortune,” he came to ask me: Where is his fortune? Is it wrong for him to want to leave the 140-pound weight behind and seek his own happiness?或曰:童子升学者,家道中落之时也。有士夫二人子入大学后,欲与妻离异,盖其妻但知詈骂、讥讽于彼,而好逸恶劳,无所成就。结褵多年,虽同衾而异梦,其体重百四十斤,不堪目睹。彼劳苦养家,为子忍辱含垢。闻余有名言:“妻之肉,家之福也。”遂来问曰:彼之福安在?彼欲离此百四十斤之躯,求己之幸福,其有过乎?到武汉参加书展,有几个人拿着书来签名,说是随州老乡,特意赶来看我。让我有莫名的感动。年轻时走在随州街头,想过自己有朝一日会被父老乡亲们认出:这是我们这里走出去的人。现在回首过去,总觉得自己应该更努力。
I went to Wuhan to attend the book fair. Several people came with books for my autograph and said they were fellow villagers from Suizhou. They had come all the way especially to see me, which made me feel an indescribable sense of being touched. When I was young, as I walked on the streets of Suizhou, I once thought that one day I might be recognized by the folks in my hometown, who would say, "This is someone who has made a name for himself from our place." Looking back on the past now, I always feel that I should have worked even harder.赴武汉书展,数人持书求签,言乃随州乡党,特趋而观,使吾莫名感怆。少壮之时,行于随州市井,尝念异日或得乡党识之,曰:“此吾乡所出者也。”今回溯往昔,自愧应更当勤勉。一个以思辨著称的网友苦口婆心地讲道理,引来评论和私信谩骂。他想来想去,声明说,所有的谩骂者相信谩骂有作用,但不一定知道谩骂的魂灵会反噬自己,谩骂者会被自己的恶毒扭曲,乖戾而丑贱。这个世界上最重要的因果定律为牛顿力学证明,也为哥德尔不完备定律证明,即无论你想用一个框架说什么,其实都难逃自指的命运。当你自以为是在骂我的时候,其实就是在骂你自己,因为这首先就是你在自指。用中国的老话说,你这种自指,其实就是一种报应。
A netizen renowned for his critical thinking earnestly expounded on the truth, only to be met with insults in the comments and private messages. After much contemplation, he made a statement, saying that all those who insulted believed that insults could have an effect, but they might not necessarily know that the spirit of insults would rebound on themselves. Insulters would be distorted by their own viciousness, becoming perverse, ugly, and despicable. The most important law of cause and effect in this world has been proven by Newtonian mechanics and also by Gödel's incompleteness theorem, that is, no matter what you want to express within a certain framework, you actually cannot escape the fate of self-reference. When you think you are insulting me, you are actually insulting yourself, because this is first and foremost your act of self-reference. In the old Chinese saying, your such act of self-reference is actually a kind of retribution.今回溯往昔,自愧应更当勤勉。一网友以思辨闻名,谆谆然陈理,招致评论区与私信之詈骂。思思忖再三 ,乃宣言曰:“凡詈骂者,信其詈之有效,而未必知詈之鬼神反噬其身,詈者将为己之恶毒所扭曲,暴戾而陋劣。”世间至要之因果律,牛顿力学已证之,哥德尔不完备定律亦证之,即无论欲以何框架立言,终难逃自指之定数。尔自谓詈我,实则詈尔自身矣,盖尔先自指也。吾国古语有云,此自指之行,实乃报应也。本文为正观号作者或机构在正观新闻上传并发布,仅代表该作者或机构观点,不代表正观新闻的观点和立场,正观新闻仅提供信息发布平台。