




(一)中国籍申请人(不含港澳台地区)  应具备下列基本条件:










5.身体健康,年龄不超过65周岁,能够保证足够的时间和精力办理仲裁案件。曾多次担任首席或独任仲裁员,经验丰富,办案效果好,或为本委工作所需的特殊专业人才,年龄可适当放宽,但原则不超过 70周岁。




















































联系人:仲裁一处 宁崇  李淑丽  许晓宇  刘娟














Zhengzhou Arbitration Commission

Announcement on the Public Selection of the Sixth Term Arbitrators

The Zhengzhou Arbitration Commission (hereinafter referred to as "the Commission") is the only permanent civil and commercial arbitration institution in Zhengzhou with independent adjudicative authority . It was established by the Zhengzhou Municipal Government in December 1999 in accordance with the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant State Council documents. Over the past five years, the Commission has handled more than 25,000 arbitration cases, involving disputes totaling over RMB 39 billion. Over the years, the Commission has ranked among the top of the 282 arbitration institutions in China, enjoying a high reputation in the field of arbitration.  

The term of the fifth group of arbitrators will expire in December 2024. According to the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China, the Articles of Association of the Zhengzhou Arbitration Commission, and relevant regulations on the renewal of arbitration institutions issued by the State Council, new arbitrators must be appointed in accordance with the law. To fully leverage the advantages of the arbitration legal system, continuously optimize the business environment of our city, and ensure and promote the construction of the national central city, it has been decided to publicly select arbitrators for the sixth term of the Commission.

1. Scope of Selection and Term  

The selection of arbitrators is open to eligible individuals from both domestic and foreign jurisdictions. The term for the sixth group of arbitrators is five years, which aligns with the term of the sixth committee of the Commission.

2. Application Requirements  

2.1 Chinese citizens (excluding Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan) must meet the following basic criteria:  

2.1.1 Support the leadership of the Communist Party of China, uphold socialism, adhere to the correct political direction, and be guided by Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Applicants should thoroughly implement Xi Jinping's thought on the rule of law, fully carry out the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee. They must firmly defend the "Two Establishes," enhance the "Four Consciousnesses," strengthen the "Four Confidences," resolutely achieve the "Two Safeguards," and possess good political and professional qualities.  

2.1.2 Be passionate about the arbitration cause, fair and impartial, honest and trustworthy, of good character, incorruptible, and loyal to the Constitution and laws. Applicants must have a strong sense of social responsibility and dedication to public service.  

2.1.3 Meet one of the criteria stipulated in Article 13 of the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China for arbitrator qualifications:  

①Passed the national unified legal profession qualification examination and has been engaged in arbitration work for at least eight years;  

② Engaged in legal practice as a lawyer for at least eight years;  

③Has served as a judge for at least eight years;  

④ Engaged in legal research or teaching and holds a senior professional title;  

⑤ Possesses legal knowledge, is engaged in professional work such as economic and trade affairs, and holds a senior professional title or equivalent professional qualifications.  

2.1.4 Comply with the Articles of Association of the Zhengzhou Arbitration Commission, the Arbitration Rules of the Zhengzhou Arbitration Commission, and the Management Measures for the Appointment of Arbitrators of the Zhengzhou Arbitration Commission.  

2.1.5 Be in good health, under the age of 65, and able to dedicate sufficient time and energy to handling arbitration cases. For those who have served multiple times as chief or sole arbitrator, have rich experience, and have demonstrated excellent case-handling performance, or possess special professional expertise required by the Commission, the age limit may be appropriately relaxed, but generally not beyond 70 years of age.  

2.1.6 Have never been subject to any criminal, administrative punishment, or professional disciplinary action.  

2.1.7 Depending on their occupation or professional field, applicants should also meet the following specific conditions:  


a. Hold at least a bachelor's degree in law;  

b.Have practiced as a lawyer for over eight years;  

c.Have experience in handling litigation or arbitration cases, with rich case-handling experience, and have represented multiple civil or commercial cases in courts or arbitration institutions over the past five years;  

d.Have a high level of professional competence and good reputation in the legal profession;  

e.Be capable of serving as a chief or sole arbitrator.  

② Retired Judges  

a.Hold at least a bachelor’s degree in law;  

b.Have long been engaged in civil and commercial adjudication or research work;  

c.Have a good reputation, high professional level, strong case-handling ability, and have held positions such as presiding judge or deputy court director or higher;  

d.Have retired or left adjudication work for less than five years or have continued to engage in teaching or other legal work after retirement or leaving adjudication work.  

③Legal Scholars and Researchers  

a.Hold a senior title such as professor or researcher, or an associate professor or associate researcher title, and have a master’s degree or higher, with strong case-handling ability and rich experience;  

b.Directly engage in teaching or research in civil or commercial law;  

c.Have handled arbitration or litigation cases and possess relevant case-handling experience.  

④Professionals in Economic and Trade Work  

a.Hold at least a bachelor's degree;  

b.Have worked in economic trade or professional technical work for over eight years, have relevant legal knowledge, and possess rich experience;  

c.Hold a senior title in their professional field, or possess a high-level professional qualification or license in their field; or hold a mid- to high-level professional technical leadership position with high technical expertise; or have served in corporate legal management in large and medium-sized enterprises, holding department-level or higher leadership positions.  

2.1.8 Priority will be given to applicants who meet the following conditions:  

① Familiar with dispute resolution in the construction and real estate sector, with practical experience;  

②Familiar with dispute resolution in the investment and financial sectors, with practical experience;  

③ Professionals specializing in intellectual property and digital trade, serving the development of the digital economy;  

④Professionals in the high-tech industry sector;  

⑤Familiar with handling international disputes and proficient in English or other major languages (such as French, Arabic, Russian, etc.), with practical experience in hearings and adjudications.  

2.2 Applicants from Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan should meet the following conditions:  

2.2.1 Support the basic national policy of "One Country, Two Systems" and uphold patriotism and the rule of law, supporting national unity.  

2.2.2 Be passionate about the arbitration cause, fair and impartial, and have a sense of public service and dedication.  

2.2.3 Have rich practical experience in arbitration and meet the criteria set forth in items 2.1.3 to 2.1.7 above.  

2.2.4 Priority will be given to applicants who meet the following conditions:  

① Familiar with international construction, real estate, investment, finance, and corporate governance disputes, with practical experience;  

②Professionals specializing in international intellectual property and international digital trade, serving the development of the digital economy, with practical experience;  

③Professionals in the high-tech industry sector.  

2.3 Foreign nationals or stateless applicants should meet the following conditions:  

2.3.1 Applicants should be friendly to China and possess good professional reputation.  

2.3.2 The relevant qualifications should be in reference to the arbitrator qualification conditions stipulated by China’s Arbitration Law, with practical experience in international arbitration and dispute resolution, and a high professional reputation in their country or region and industry.  

2.3.3 Priority will be given to applicants who meet the following conditions:  

①Familiar with dispute resolution in international construction, finance, and investment, with practical experience;  

② Professionals specializing in international intellectual property and digital trade, serving the development of the digital economy, with practical experience;  

③ Professionals in the high-tech industry sector;  

④ Applicants from countries or regions participating in the Belt and Road Initiative and have rich practical experience in international arbitration.  

Applicants for the renewal of their term as an arbitrator in the fifth term of the Commission must meet the above criteria. The decision on their renewal will be made based on their performance during their term. Arbitrators who meet any of the following conditions will not be reappointed:  

①Cases described in Article 10 of the Zhengzhou Arbitration Commission Arbitrator Appointment Management Measures;  

②Multiple complaints or petitions due to personal reasons during their term;  

③Any other circumstances that make them unsuitable to serve as an arbitrator.

3. Selection Procedures  

3.1 Application and Document Review  

3.1.1 From today, individuals from all sectors wishing to apply for the position of an arbitrator for the sixth term of the Commission can download the application form from the Commission's official website (www.zzac.org.cn), complete it as required, and submit both an electronic and hard copy to the Commission. The electronic copy and scanned versions of the relevant documents should be sent to the email address zzaclinxuan@126.com, while the original hard copy of the application form along with photocopies of the necessary materials should be submitted or mailed to the Commission by November 10th, 2024 (specific requirements are detailed in the “Instructions for Filling Out the Form”). Late applications will not be accepted.  

3.1.2 Hard copy materials should be submitted or mailed to the Arbitration Case Acceptance Center, Arbitration Section 1, Zhengzhou Arbitration Commission (Room 711, 707, No. 53 Huaihe East Road, Zhengzhou, postal code 450000).  

Contacts: Ning Chong, Li Shuli, Xu Xiaoyu, Liu Juan, Arbitration Section 1  

Contact phone numbers: 0371-67887971/67180832/67175971/67887970

3.2 Qualification Review and Opinion Collection  

The Arbitration Case Acceptance Center's pre-review group for arbitrator selection will conduct a preliminary review of the applicant’s qualifications based on the Arbitration Law of the People's Republic of China, the Articles of Association of the Zhengzhou Arbitration Commission, and this announcement. Opinions from relevant units will also be solicited.  

3.3 Public Notification  

Based on the qualification review and opinion collection, the Arbitration Case Acceptance Center will draft an initial list of candidates, which will be publicly posted on the official website of the Commission for five working days to allow for public supervision.  

3.4 Submission for Review and Appointment  

After considering the public feedback, the Arbitration Case Acceptance Center will finalize the list of proposed arbitrators and submit it for deliberation at the first meeting of the sixth committee of the Commission. The appointment results will be published on the official website of the Commission.

4. Important Reminders  

4.1 When submitting the hard copy of the application form and relevant materials, applicants must provide photocopies of proof of identity, academic and degree qualifications, professional qualifications, titles, main academic achievements, etc.  

4.2 The materials submitted must be truthful, accurate, and complete. If any falsification is found in the application materials, the applicant will be disqualified from serving as an arbitrator.  

4.3 The Commission will not provide explanations to those who are not appointed or reappointed, and the application materials submitted will not be returned.

                                                              Zhengzhou Arbitration Commission  

                                                                                                                                                     September 19, 2024


