1210th article   1210期双语推文

From July 7th to July 8th, Zhengzhou experienced regional severe torrential rains, marking the most intense rainfall event since the beginning of the 2024 flood season.


The city's average precipitation volume in this period was 135.9 mm, over one-fifth of the average annual rainfall. The 24-hour average rainfall across the city reached 114.9 mm, meeting the criteria for severe torrential rains.


The onset of the rain triggered an immediate response. Before the rain began, 4,554 patrol police personnel were preemptively deployed for prevention and control, 910 police officers were assigned to fixed-point duties, and over 15,760 personnel from municipal services, river management, and environmental sanitation departments were engaged in flood prevention efforts. Additionally, 4,527 vehicles available for flood inspection, 52 large pumping machines, and 7,112 community personnel including grid members were strategically organized to enhance the inspection and command, as well as traffic management, duty assignments, and pumping operations for major roads, elevated bridges, culverts, tunnels and key locations.

雨情即命令,暴雨来袭,全市上下全力应对,降雨前出动巡逻防控警力4554人,安排定点值守警力910人,市政、河道、环卫等防汛人员15760 余人,防汛巡查车辆 4527 台,大型抽排水设备 52 台,统筹安排网格员等群防群治力量7112人,加强对全市主干道、高架桥、涵洞、隧道、重点部位等巡查指挥、交通疏导、值班值守和抽排作业。

After an overnight effort, by the morning of July 9th, all waterlogged areas in the city had been drained, road traffic returned to normal, and reservoirs, rivers, and South-to-North Water Diversion Project facilities were operating smoothly. Urban order was well-maintained, significantly minimizing the impact of the disaster.





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