1167th article   1167期双语推文


In recent days, Zhengzhou has hosted a series of innovative and eye-catching cultural, tourist, economic and trade activities, as well as international conferences featuring prominent figures and tangible cross-border cooperation to continuously share Zhengzhou's story with the world. These efforts have injected momentum into the city's high-quality expansion of openness, showcasing Zhengzhou's vitality and modernization into a national central city.


April 9th marked the beginning of the 2024 ASEAN-China (Henan) Month of People-to-People Exchanges. Guests and friends from ASEAN countries gathered in the heartland of China to appreciate the majestic landscapes, profound history and progressing development, opening a new chapter of cooperation between China and ASEAN.


On April 10th, the 2024 World Henan Entrepreneurs Convention was held in Zhengzhou. Henan businessmen from all over the world gathered together to participate in the development event, reminisce over the past, make friends, and create a better future. The conference focused on advanced manufacturing and fields such as strategic emerging industries, future industries, and modern service industries. Projects were signed off together at the conference, resulting in an initial 89 cooperative projects with a total value of 81.09 billion yuan.


On April 11th, the ancestor worship ceremony of the Yellow Emperor in the year of the dragon was held in the hometown of the Yellow Emperor in Xinzheng, Zhengzhou. Chinese people from more than 190 countries around the world visited Zhengzhou for this spring "spiritual appointment" where the cultural characteristics and cultural connotation of the Yellow Emperor, the Yellow River and the Central Plains were fully displayed.


From April 11th to April 12th, the first Zhengzhou Qi-Huang Traditional Chinese Medicine Development Conference, the Mainstream Media Cultural Tour of the Yellow Emperor's Hometown Symposium on the Ancestor Worship Ceremony of the Yellow Emperor in the Year of the Dragon, as well as the Plum Blossom Award Artists Ancestor Worship Ceremony Drama Evening and other events were held sequentially, to signify connecting culture, trade, politics and the economy to promote the economy through culture.


From cultural tourism, economic and trade activities, and international conferences to cross-border cooperation, Chinese and foreign guests have gathered in Zhengzhou, "the center of heaven and earth," to experience the colorful Yellow River culture, listen to touching Yellow River stories, strengthen multi-field cultural dialogue, and carry out multi-field economic and trade cooperation.


In recent years, Zhengzhou has comprehensively improved the level of openness in the economy and deeply integrated into the joint construction of the Belt and Road program. Zhengzhou's international exchange activities have become more frequent, and its status and role as a key node for domestic large-scale circulation and a strategic connection point for domestic and international dual circulation have gradually emerged. Zhengzhou is committed to building a pioneer zone that represents the country's participation in global competition and cooperation.

近年来,全面提升开放型经济水平,深度融入共建“一带一路”大格局,郑州的国际交流活动更趋频繁,国内大循环节点支撑、国内国际双循环战略联结点地位和作用逐步得到显现,郑州正致力于打造代表国家参与全球竞争合作的先行区。With the majestic Songshan Mountain, the surging Yellow River, and a profound history and culture, Zhengzhou is an important birthplace of Yellow River culture and one of the main places to see the 5000 years of continuous development in Chinese civilization. Being a good national team and promoting internationalization are not only effective ways to transform urban development and enhance urban competitiveness, but also an intrinsic requirement for exploring Chinese-style modern megacity development.


A good development foundation and rare development opportunities will undoubtedly provide a strong impetus for Zhengzhou to further improve its international ranking. Taking opportunities for cultural, tourism, economic and trade activities, international conferences, and cross-border cooperation, we must leverage the positive reputational benefit of a series of international events, strengthen foreign exchanges and cooperation, and cultivate major international conferences as well as culture, technology, cultural tourism and other events with strong international influence. Zhengzhou is striving to take greater steps in improving its internationalization level and city energy level through further enhancing its international competitiveness, international influence, international growth, international attraction and international support.


Zhengzhou, an ancient yet youthful city, is brimming with vitality and striding forward on the broad avenue of high-quality development with high spirits.





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