The timely rains arrive in Grain in Ear, and farmers are busy planting rice in the fields. Today is Grain in Ear, the third solar term of summer.


As the temperature gradually rises, midsummer begins to arrive. The busy season of Grain in Ear involves both harvesting and planting. The fields are filled with the joy of a good harvest and the sowing of new hope.


Grain in Ear is not only about agricultural production but also carries the health preservation wisdom of Chinese culture. With the arrival of Grain in Ear, it is important to prevent summer heat-related illnesses.


Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes the harmony between human and nature and advocates treating winter diseases in the summer. At this time, the yang energy in nature is abundant, making it the best time for traditional Chinese medicine health preservation and conditioning.
中医讲求天人合一 ,冬病夏治,此时自然界阳气旺盛,正是中医养生调理的最佳时节。
Bone-setting of traditional Chinese medicine is a part of China's intangible cultural heritage, combining massage, bone-setting, warm needling, and herbal rubbing. 


Warm needling emphasizes the combination of acupuncture and moxibustion. It has the functions of stimulating acupoints, conducting meridians, regulating internal organs, and regulating qi and blood, along with the warming and cold-dispelling and immune-regulating effects of moxibustion.


As the saying goes, hasten during Lesser Fullness of Grain, and seize every moment during Grain in Ear. Grain in Ear, which is more attuned to time, seems to remind people that whether in farming or health preservation, they should act in time and avoid delay or miss any oppotunity.



